Tailings Management
Recover More Water and Extend the Life of Your Tailings Storage Facility
Traditional tailings management practices do not align with ever-increasing demands of mining and mineral processing companies. From environmental concerns rooted in disastrous tailings dam failures, to shrinking tailings storage facility footprints due to growing production levels, your tailings management process must be built with an infrastructure that's minded for the future.
Nalco Water partners with mineral processing companies to engineer tailings dewatering solutions that recover as much water as possible, giving you a more sustainable tailings disposal process while extending the life of your tailings storage facility.
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Creating a Sustainable Future: Your Partner for Economic and Responsible Tailings Dewatering Solutions
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Comprehensive Tailings Disposal Solutions Across a Variety of Mineral Types
Tailings Management Success Stories
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Nalco Water Chemical and Mixing Technology Helps Coal Mine to Extend the Life of their Tailings Storage Facility
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Nalco Water Solution Helps to Increase Tailings Storage Facility Life and Increase the Recovery of Return Water
“Staying on Top of Tailings” – Nalco Water Featured in Global Mining Review
Explore our Tailings Management Offerings